A big moment happened this week - we have a permanent sign!
Ok, maybe this may not seem like a big deal to some people - after all, every business in town has a sign. But we haven't. We have had temporary road signs and banners - but not a permanent sign. If you look at the picture, you can see an address - our address - for our church home. This has been a big week.
It has been a big few weeks in the life of our church - and a lot has been happening. A wall has been torn down, the sanctuary is painted, the offices are getting carpet and new paint and new electrical, the kids rooms have been painted, and more. There is a lot more that has been done, too - from yard work to HVAC to fire systems to irrigation to seating to decoration - a lot of people have been working very hard as we get ready for September 13 and our first services. Please KEEP PRAYING for us as we work to serve and honor God. And if you are can help, just let us know! (Pretty much every Saturday morning there is a crew of people working.)
Why am I so excited about a permanent sign, and property? Because it is a home base for the mission. We DON'T need property or buildings to do the work of the Kingdom. Christ's Kingdom is love and truth and hope - where lives are changed and no walls can contain the power of God. Property and buildings and signs are only tools to be used for His mission. Every gallon of paint, every wall torn down, and every weed pulled is all for His Kingdom and glory. God has given us a home base for His mission. Let's stay on His mission, and be ready for the harvest the Holy Spirit is preparing to bring into our church family!