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In April, Serena and I will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary.  Coincidentally, yet intentionally, we will also celebrate 35 years being in a Life Group together. In every church we’ve been a part of since our wedding, we’ve been connected with a community of believers in a Life Group. In some cases, leading a Life Group, or actually overseeing Life Group ministry as a whole.

It’s not because we did not have anything else to do, nor is it because we did not have any other causes to promote.  We were both in agreement that connecting in a Life Group was a priority and an essential part of life in Christ.

As Associate Pastors of Adult Ministry at Covenant Grove Church, Serena and I don’t just preach and promote Life Groups – we live it out.  “Life Is Better Together” isn’t just a line or trendy catch phrase, it is a testimonial of our lives based on an accumulation of hundreds of Kingdom stories about us and the people we shared our lives with, in Life Groups.


“This is THE WAY” is a famous quote from the modern Sci-fi drama, The Mandalorian.  However, THE WAY was actually a name used in Scripture for the early day followers of Christ. We see inferences to THE WAY throughout Scripture, and most notably in Acts 9:1-2.   Last week’s sermon highlighted the first gatherings of followers once they received the Holy Spirit: “They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to everyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:24-27).

Obviously, some of these experiences happen in corporate worship on Sunday mornings and some experiences happen throughout the week as we do our individual devotions.  However, the description in Acts 2 illustrates a way of life.  This is THE WAY Christ-followers lived in community as they lived out the mission commanded by Christ.


God designed us for community; therefore, following in His WAY will result in life-giving experiences and life-changing encounters.   God, though His Holy Spirit sustains us and transforms us. He uses other people in our lives to encourage us, support us, and affect change in our life.   This is the importance and essence of community in a Life Group.  This is THE WAY.

Over the years we have been incredibly blessed to witness the power of God changing lives through Life Group ministry.  Kingdom stories of people trusting in Christ as LORD and Savior, acquiring new habits, forgoing bad habits, growing deep roots in Christ, growing in wisdom, winning the battle over depression, addiction, and oppression.   As mentioned, Serena and I were married 35 years ago, a time of incredible joy.  However, six months later, my mom lost her long battle with cancer.  This sweet and bitter year was a shared experience with the people in our Life Group.  They were with us during the joy and celebration of marriage, and they were with us during the pain and loss of my mom’s fight with cancer.  We laughed together, cried together, prayed together, shared meals together, shared burdens together – did life together.

Are you ready to do life together?  We have 15 different Life Groups at Covenant Grove meeting at various times throughout the week, both in-person and zoom groups.

Life Groups provide a WAY – to fellowship, pray together, care for each other, become more rooted in our faith in Christ, and more intentional about our walk with Christ – a WAY to grow one step closer to others and to become firmly rooted in Christ.

Join a Life Group today. We are better together! This is THE WAY.

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