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There are a lot of important elements to any system- a business, a hobby, a sound system… and all of life. And as many systems as there are, there are probably at least two micro systems for organization! How do we sort through the complexities? Many businesses use flow charts. At home, I use a color coded calendar for my family. In the audio/visual world, we map out electronic “signal flow.” How does sound, or video, or light get from one place to the next? And how do we figure out where a problem is so we can fix it- because something will inevitably go wrong! Track the signal- begin at the source and work your way through the components until you reach the final output. For example: 

Source: Guitar 

Final Output: Speaker 

We have our source, we know what we want to happen (hearing the guitar from the speaker), so if it’s not working, we track along the path. Check the plugs, cables, connectors, any batteries, etc, one variable at a time, and eventually you’ll find where the signal isn’t flowing. 

We can apply this same idea to our lives. As believers, if our source is not God, the outcome of our lives will not be a reflection of Him. We have plenty of tools in our flow chart- His Word, prayer, and Godly supply lines, to name a few. Are you plugged into the Source? Can you track the signal flow of God’s grace and power through you? Maybe a good place to start is the flow of prayer that Jesus taught the disciples: 

“Pray like this: 

Our Father in heaven, 

    may your name be kept holy. 

May your Kingdom come soon. 

May your will be done on earth, 

    as it is in heaven. 

Give us today the food we need, 

and forgive us our sins, 

    as we have forgiven those who sin against us. 

And don’t let us yield to temptation, 

    but rescue us from the evil one.” 

Matthew 6:9-13 NLT 

Our Father in heaven, the source of life, should always be where we start. God’s desired outcome is bigger than any one of us, but He wants to include each of His children! Be a part of bringing His Kingdom here, now, by pressing into His will and letting His love flow through you! 

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