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I’m not usually much of an online gamer. Every 5 years or so I’ll try one out for a while and eventually stop. I definitely don’t talk to other people when gaming online. I like to play the game on my own for the most part, but they never seem to interest me for long.


I recently started playing a new game. And this time I decided to go ahead and join a group of other players. What a game-changer! (pun intended)

I joined this group within the first few days of playing, not knowing that this one decision would save my bacon. It turns out that if you are not in a group, you have no protection from other players!

More importantly though, I’ve found a new community that I wouldn’t have otherwise. We work together as a team to learn how to play and help each other grow. We encourage each other to step out of our in-game comfort zones and try new things. Some players connect on a more personal level and talk about their jobs or regional food differences. I’ve spent time working on some tedious game tasks while chatting about cheese! I love cheese!

This is a great example of how important it is to be in community with others. My life group is there to lift me up when I need prayer, celebrate when I’m praising God for answered prayers, and to grow deeper in God’s Word together. The ministry team I serve on is another great group of people who pray and grow together, but we also work alongside each other to do some of the work of God’s mission in our church. I never saw myself working with so much technology, but with others encouraging me I have learned a ton! Working with these people fills me up and keeps me balanced in ways that I wouldn’t be able to if I were just trying to get things done on my own. The Lord has brought amazing people into my life that I probably wouldn’t have connected with if I hadn’t said “yes” to joining a team!

Ephesians 4:16 says, “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” God has given each of us a special work, but all our pieces are meant to work together! Find where God is calling you to serve and jump in.

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