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Last week I shared the first part of my thoughts from the John Muir Trail. These are from the journal that I keep on my phone and write in daily while I am backpacking. This usually happens at night, after a long day of hiking and thinking, and I write these thoughts as I sit under the stars in my hammock and get ready to fall asleep. The mountains bring me clarity, which is why I keep returning. Here is part two (of two) of my thoughts from the trail.

The value of “nothing” conversations. Sometimes the best conversations are about nothing important. For the last two days, Ben and I have been having long talks about “pros and cons”. We have covered Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, all nine main Star Wars movies, and the Halo games. What is significant is not the content but the conversation time with my son. I love every minute.

The best days are ahead. God has shown that our church still has the same mission to reach more people with His hope and grow rooted lives of love. This has been confirmed by prayer, the capital campaign, and recent numerical growth. But there has been a part of me that has a bit of hesitation, a bit of fear. The Father is calling me to let those go and move confidently into the future with Him. It is not doing something new but finding better ways to do what I have always been doing. Ever reforming.

Family. I love this time with my son. He is already such an incredible man, and he is growing all the time. Today we got to have lunch on a mountain pass at 12,050 feet. We ate dinner as the sun was setting on our campsite. We have done devotions every day and talked on trail for so many hours. I love every time I get to make memories with my kids. Thank you Jesus for these special times.

Thank you all for all of your support. It means so much to me as I pursue the dreams that God has put in my heart.

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